
VICTORY!!! Humane Education Resolution Passes CA State Assembly!

Thanks to the incredible efforts of Judie Mancuso, founder of Social Compassion in Legislation, whose board members include, Katie Cleary and Simone Reyes, as well as the support from Jane Velez-Mitchell and respected assembly member Matt Dabaneh, an extremely important program has been adopted by the California State Assembly, which is labeled as the Humane Education Program.

“The Humane Education program seeks to prevent violence by teaching empathy, compassion, and respect for animals, and helps our students develop into caring and responsible citizens. In addition to the ethical and civic importance of Humane Education, encouraging a greater awareness about animal壯陽藥
s, nature, and their contributions towards our environment, economy, culture, and lives is invaluable,” says State Assembly member Dababneh.

The primary goals of Humane Education are to promote an understanding of the sociological and psychological dimensions of animal abuse, and cultivate empathy and compassion for animals.

“If we can educate our children on such important issues to protect the future of our planet, we can make our planet a more compassionate place for all living beings,” states Katie Cleary. “What our kids learn in school becomes embedded in their language, and is reflected in their actions towards the people and animals around them. It’s time we teach our students a more compassionate future!”

This is a monumental success in the State of California. The next step is to implement this program into all 50 states.

To learn more about this Bill and other animal welfare legislation, CLICK HERE to visit our animal welfare partner Social Compassion In Legislation. 

TAKE ACTION To Protect Gray Wolves In California!


The California Department Of Fish and Wildlife Conservation held a public meeting last night at Cal State Long Beach to discuss the controversial plan that would allow gray wolves, listed by California as an endangered species, to be killed under certain circumstances.

The public meeting allowed stakeholders in Southern California to give a voice to the voiceless in an effort to extend protections for the wolves at risk.

Fifty animal welfare advocates and three hunters (and one wolf hybrid) attended the meeting to discuss the plan. Animal advocates posed the question as to how humans can put a number on a population, as the plan has suggested that once the wolf population hits fifty, wolf hunting may begin.

“Humans are the ones who are overpopulated. Wolves don’t put a number on us,” said World Animal News and Peace 4 Animals founder and president Katie Cleary as she spoke in front of attendees. 


Social Compassion in Legislation’s founder Judie Mancuso and the Center for Biological Diversity were also in attendance. These groups are concerned that the plan could allow the possible delisting after the population hits a mere 50 to 75 wolves.

Mancuso spoke for the welfare of wolves, as well as a majority of Californians: “The focus should shift to protection and recovery and we should not be even discussing any kind of number or cap until we have a nice healthy population once again of which to be proud. In California, as you are hearing tonight, out of the 38 million people in this state, more care for the welfare of these animals than for killing them because of a nuisance or to put them on their wall as a trophy.”

Amaroq Weiss, West Coast wolf organizer for the Center for Biological Diversity: “The plan fails to explain why such a small and fragile population should have protections removed. The state Fish and Wildlife Department’s own scientists believe that more than 500 wolves could be supported in Northern California and the central Sierra Nevada range.”

California’s wolves wandered into California from Oregon by natural expansion into the wilds of Siskyou County nearly two decades after they were introduced in and around Yellowstone National Park.

A final decision on the plan is not expected until sometime next year.

Source: LA Times

Photo: National Geographic

You can look at the draft plan for wolves HERE

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See more at: World Animal News

Jane UnChained: Stop Australia’s Live Animal Export Horror!

Watch Jane Velez-Mitchell of Jane UnChained; Katie wholesale MLB jerseys Cleary, founder of World Animal News; Judie Mancuso, founder of  Social cheap MLB jerseys Compassion in Legislation; Ginn Andrews of World Animal News; activist Simone Reyes; Amanda Copeland; Services actor Martin Dingle Wall; and Patty Leopard Shenker, co-founder of Upcoming the Animal Advocacy Museum, make an cheap nba jerseys attempt Google to speak to Australian consulate officials to stop Australia’s barbaric cheap jerseys live animal export life trade!


See more at: World Animal News