About Peace 4 Animals

Peace 4 Animals Founder Katie Cleary
Peace 4 Animals non-profit animal welfare organization was founded by model/actress, philanthropist and filmmaker Katie Cleary in 2012. Peace 4 Animals has raised tens of thousands of dollars for many animal organizations around the globe in support of the protection of endangered species. Peace 4 Animals’ vision is to create a world that lives in harmony with all animals and that works to protect them against harmful human interference. Peace 4 Animals helps to rescue, rehabilitate and find homes for domestic animals. They educate children and the public on how to co-exist with wild animals and how to protect these animals in their natural habitat. They also strive to increase awareness in order to respect all life and put an end to the abuse and neglect of all of our earth’s species.
Peace 4 Animals released their first documentary on Netflix titled “Give Me Shelter.” Give Me Shelter is a film to raise awareness for the most important animal welfare issues around the globe. This award-winning documentary created and produced by Katie Cleary and directed by Kristin Rizzo sheds light on the work that many different individuals and animal welfare organizations do in a way that has never been done before. The movie exposes the stark reality of such crucial issues such as: The underground black market trade of wild and exotic animals, puppy mills, adopting, the fur trade, circuses, poaching, seal clubbing, the horse slaughter, the palm oil industry destroying the rainforest, shark finning, the pet industry, Sea World and many more important issues. Give Me Shelter has the capability of changing the lives of a vast array of species around the world whose issues otherwise would not be exposed.
Peace 4 Animals has a new apparel line in which a portion of the proceeds will help the P4A Endangered Species Project focusing on saving Elephants, Rhinos, Lions and Tigers in the wild.
Peace 4 Animals’ global animal news network World Animal News (WAN) which began in 2012, highlights the latest breaking animal issues happening around the globe, with guests ranging from top animal welfare organizations, animal experts and celebrities who are passionate about using their voices to raise awareness for animal welfare.
Peace 4 Animals’ goal is to create positive change to help protect the planet and all of its precious inhabitants so that we can all live together in peace.
Help Peace 4 Animals raise $20,000 by January 10th
Your generosity allows us to continue our shared mission in conservation and building a humane peaceful world for all animals that we share this planet with!
Donate today and help Peace 4 Animals reach its end-of-year fundraising goal to raise $20,000 by January 10th
World Animal News delivers the latest updates on breaking animal news, groundbreaking conservation efforts, animal welfare campaigns, the plant-based movement, and important legislative developments.
Give Me Shelter is an award winning documentary uncovering the most prevalent issues in the animal world through the eyes of the individuals dedicating their lives to them daily.