Nigeria Plans To Build Superhighway Threatening 300 Critically Endangered Gorillas

One of the last rainforests in Nigeria is being threatened with the production of the Nigerian Superhighway.

The highway was proposed by Governor Ben Ayade of Cross River State in Nigeria who plans to build the superhighway right through the middle of the state.

If built, this highway will not only destroy hundreds of thousands of acres of ancestral forests, it will devastate the remaining and critically endangered 300 Cross River gorillas who call this rainforest home.

The superhighway would also be destroying a national park, will leave hundreds of indigenous communities homeless, and will demolish the last of the Cross river gorillas as well as other threatened wildlife species such as chimpanzees, forest elephants and pangolins who live in the rainforest as well.

The Ekuri people have managed this land for thousands of years and are standing their ground to protect their Ancestral land and the wildlife that lives there.

We must stand with them and the animals who need our help to protect their home and existence.

Source & Photo Credt: Care2, Animal Kingdom